Durian stinks. It has thorns. And it could mess you up good and proper.
But to those who are passionate about durians, its devastating smell is a delicious invitation to a wonderful world.
The durian lover will travel far and wide to find the perfect one-the right colour, right weight, strong and sweet aroma, right size thorns, right shape and spacing.
The durian lover is a discerning one, and many lesser durians will discarded along the way.
The pleasure attained in the actual eating is a pure bliss. A bit like living happily ever after.
The durian hater however, will hate durians all his life. No force on earth and certainly no advertisement can change him.
BUT if you are someone who can on occasion be persuaded to try durians, please heed this warning : Don't let peer pressure or insistent relatives push you into it.
IF you do not cherish the RITUAL, you will not devote enough time to choosing the right one. After all, a durian is just a durian to you.
Then because you've picked just any old durian, you find it doesn't taste all that wonderful anyway. It's okay, but it doesn't exactly move heaven and earth for you.
You'll eat it, but you'll find the side effects quite intolerable; the heatiness will have you tossing and turning all night. And with every burp, you'll regret having eaten it more and more.
The durian lover however, takes it in his stride as part and parcel of the entire experience.
There is no resentment as they expect some bad to come with the good.
Whereas you, who weren't that keen on durians in the first place, will just want out. And that's why people get divorced.
Look, marriage is thorny, difficult and messy. It even stinks, sometimes.
And it is not for everyone.
Only for those who are passionately believe in it. Those who are prepared to love even the thorns. And those who will do whatever it takes to be true to this commitment.
They are the ones who will find peace and contentment.
The other can always resort to divorce.
But the bad taste will linger on. And even when it's over and done, the memory will continue to haunt you for long, long, time. As anyone who has ever carried durians in the car boot can tell you.
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Marriage is like a durian.
Friday, September 10, 2004
Kemarin kira² jam 11.00 pagi saya telah ditelefon oleh suami saya. Tapi pada waktu itu saya sedang print gambar projek di bawah (ndak tanya pun) , jadi saya hanya melihat missed call saja tertera di skrin telefon bimbit saya. Maka, saya pun berfikir dengan serius..'tumben ni urang telponnya jam segini' (iya, saya berfikiri di dalam hati menggunakan bahasa indonesia) dan kerana 'penasaran', saya pun menelefon suami saya kembali.
Me: Hallo
Suami-saya: He..ll...o..
Me: Kok suaranya gitu sih
Suami-saya: Anaa..aku...aku..aku..di bom..
Me: ceh!...ingatkan apa..tipu la
Suami-saya: bener..srius..suer (swear)..kok baru sekarang nelpon
Me: boong loe..tadi aku di lantai bawah..yee.kalo beneran masa masih bisa nelpon..
Suami-saya: bener...aku lagi berdarah ni...tapi..tapi darahnya di..di...Hahahahah..kena tipu..
Me: aik, sepa keno percaya..
Suami-saya: Tapi beneren lho Jakarta lagi di bom..liat aja ntar di CNN..pasti ada aku di TV..
Me: yah, gimana bisa kenal..pasti muka kamu udah hangus kebakar..
Suami-saya: yeee..ya udah deh liat aja ntar di TV..pasti ada..
Me: iyalah..babai
Suami-saya: bye, gtg, END (macam chatting pula-ditambah² saja..hehe)
Duh, Djakarta koe..tumpah darah lagi..
hmm....on the lighter note,
Buat pengantin baru..Rafiedah & Azwaddy...Semoga bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat..amin ya rabal alamin. Gonna miss you...isk..isk...waaa...
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Waduh, setelah sekian lama pikiran ini sering sahaja teringat² handphone saya yg sudah lesap dek dicopet oleh manusia yg tidak layak dipanggil manusia..panggil saja dia banjingan!
Walaupun telah dapat merebut kembali nombor peribadi DiGi saya, hati saya masih lagi penuh kegeraman dan ke'gerigitan' ...Di tambah² lagi dengan panggilan telefon dari orang/kawan org tersebut, yg telah menggunakan nombor itu selama ianya digunakan oleh pihak yg tidak bertanggungjawab. Saya yakin 100% dijamin oleh liver brothers bahwa org yg memakai nombor ini adalah org yg telah mencuri handphone communicator suami saya. Kurang asam jawa!
Walaupun saya sudah ridho akan apa yg terjadi, tapi kegeraman itu tetap ada lebih² lagi polis sendiri kurang memberi kerjasama..
1.orang yg disyaki-ada
2.cap jari di serata jendela-ada
3.list contact number yg dipanggil selama pencuri itu memakai number saya-ada
tapi saya tidak melihat satu pun usaha polis untuk membantu..dan ini bukan kali pertama hal ini terjadi di kawasan perumahan kami.
buat penyamun bernama Leon @ iluk @ Giluk...kau tunggu saja geng! your turn will come. (bagus konon si giluk tu tau english, maka mengaku keno dia tu security, silaka!)
Thanx jugalah kestau ada informer/kambing hitam yg protect kamu...patutlah jenayah makin menjadi²...
Sekarang saya telah phobia melihat handphone yg canggih, mahal dan bergaya..dan..oh 7200ku..tidak..nehi..nehi...mau saja saya pakai atur yg lama, yg besar dia macam ganggang telefon public phone...nah, siapa mau curi..curilah berabis...
Sejak kecurian tidur saya pun selalu tidak lena...selalu harap tu pencuri datang balik...ni kali siap la kau...saya akan spray muka kau pakai ridsect, hambat kau pakai sapu lidi sama 'hanger'..(wah, kejamnya...)
sekian dan terima kasih.